Encounter between Pipe Organ and electronic music.
Piece for 2 musicians on Pipe Organ (played manually and mechanically) and modular synthesizers.
Instrument par excellence of the sacred, the organ gives pride of place to the “meditative” and spiritual dimension of music, traditionally at the service of the religious office. The sound of the pipe organ seems to intrinsically summon in the listener a presence of the sublime, images of immensity and eternity.
This is a “secular” approach to musical composition but which does not prevent respecting, letting the power of the instrument express itself and unfold.
The dialogue with the modular synthesizer displaces the organ from its posture and its sacred register to return to the origin of what constitutes it: its lutherie.
The almost animistic approach of these two instruments is the engine of the musical score and animates the different musical movements. It is accentuated by the automation of a part of the organ. “Mechanical fingers” placed on a few octaves will be driven by the modular synthesizer and multiply the possibilities of play and interactions between the two instruments and between the 2 musicians.
The organic sound of the organ is diffused in the acoustic space of the place, while the modular synthesizer is amplified by a sound system adapted and adjusted according to the acoustic attributes of the organ in order to create an immersive sound ensemble and homogeneous, carried by the natural reverberation of the place.
Musical writing is based on the contours, limits and possibilities of the instrument both in the amplitude of the power generated by the instrument and the net of sound produced by the breath of the machinery. The encounter with modular synthesizers makes it possible to create new sounds by mimicry between organic and electronic, to make them cohabit in new sound explorations and invites you to rediscover the sounds and attributes of organ lutherie.
By associating the electronic tessitura of the modular synthesizers with a moving combination of the registers of the organ, by playing on the friction of frequencies and the resonances naturally produced by the instrument, its colors are subtly accentuated and highlighted through this musical creation. unprecedented.
Creation 2024
Concept & Realization : Puce Moment
Modular Synthesizers : Nicolas Devos
Pipe Organs : Pénélope Michel
Creation of the Mechanical Hand : David Boinnard and David Lemarechal
Production : rchprod
Co-production : Césaré CNCM/Reims, Art Zoyd Studios in Valenciennes.
With the support of the DRAC Hauts-de-France, the Maison de la Musique Contemporaine, and the Hauts-de-France Region as part of the Expe2.0 program.
Thanks to : Michel Gossart and the association Les Amis des Orgues Armentiérois, Le Vivat in Armentières, Monique Hourbette, Oudom Southammavong, Kasper T. Toeplitz, Art Zoyd Studios, Philippe Gordiani, Césaré CNCM/Reims.