“In Tokyo, every day, 2.4 million people cross Shibuya Crossing, amounting to 2,500 people at every green light. In this scene, bodies almost seem like vehicles, enabling everyone to move efficiently from point A to point B. Waiting for the green light, catching their breath, and setting off in the right direction.
Wouldn’t just one glance be enough to change everything? To tip the situation, step outside oneself, and make the other exist? This iconic intersection is, for me, an object of fascination and fantasy due to its mechanical power and its erotic potential. The piece is a free variation on this vision, where modernity and primal impulses collide.”
Creation 2024
Choreographer : Lionel Bègue
Performers : Adriano Coletta, Aurore Di Bianco, Bastien Charmette, Alice Lada, Mio Fuscho, Marion Dechanteloup-Peuta, Denis Terrasse
Lighting Design : Louise Rustan
Music Composition : Puce Moment
Set Design and Costumes : Amandine Livet
Dramaturgy : Olivia Burton
Production : Cabane – Lionel Bègue